Getting ready for the show
OK. I got the tables done. They came out great and most importantly, the customer was thrilled. They were impressed that I got them done in time. It was close though. I delivered them on Monday, and they needed them Tuesday. I don’t have any pictures of them yet. i was having trouble with my camera. They said they would get me some shots.
The show in woodstockstarts Saturday. I finished my new pieces this morning. I made the bed I mentioned earlier. Here’s a shot of it. It’s not done in this shot, but you get the idea.

Walnut Sleigh Bed
It’s not a great shot, but I took it with my cell phone. It has great resolution, but the shutter speed is so slow, that it’s tough to get a good shot. The head board is bird’s-eye maple veneer. Check my website. When i get a good shot of it, I’ll put a picture of it there.
I also made a set of four small display tables. These are tables i have made a lot of over the years. They have done fairly good for me. They are intended for a cash and carry item. Not too expensive and easy to carry out. I try to have a few impulse type items at shows I do. Sometimes they sell, sometimes they don’t. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Still some bad news about the economy. Hopefully George’s replacement can do better than George. Tonight we’ll start to load the heavy stuff and tomorrow I’ll load the rest myself so we can get right out the door Friday morning. We are having a guild meeting before the show.
Speaking of the guild, We just finished a show in Brattleboro. I am happy to say that one of my pieces was one of only two sales at the show. I sold the blanket chest I had there. I had several pieces and that was the one i wanted to keep for a while so I could use it in Woodstock, but hey, I’m not complaining. The show was well attended, but participation from the guild members was a little sparse. Maybe next year we’ll have better participation.
I know this was a short effort, but I still have a lot to do to get ready and I want to get in a last bike ride tonight. I’m going to get busy.
Thanks for sticking with me. Feel free to post you comments.