The Show’s Done
Hi. I am very encouraged. I have gotten some complimentary comments on my work lately. People are reading my blog and like what I’m doing. It kind of makes this a little more enjoyable knowing I’m not just doing it for me. Thanks for the comments and the kind word. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I have no secrets.
Anyway, like I said, the show is over. Attendance was good and traffic was steady. Unfortunately, I didn’t make any sales. I did have a lot of interest. I think, given the state of the economy, people were a little afraid to spend money. Some of the production company made sales from what i heard. I’m hoping to get a phone call or two in the coming months. I did get the bed done in time for the show. I even had some time to spare so I made four small display tables out of some really nice curly maple that I’ve had for some time. These tables are something I have made many times in the past and they are usually popular. I can price them low enough to be cash and carry. Trouble is, nobody wanted to carry last weekend. That’s ok. You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?? So, here’s a picture of the bed all done. It’s in my booth from the show.

Walnut and Bird's-eye maple sleigh bed
I’ve got to admit, I like the way it turned out. I had some good interest in it too. You can see a couple of the small tables I made beside the bed, Now I have to find someplace to put the bed. My showroom is small.
I have to say, I finally got my new pellet stove installed in my house and we got to fire it up last night. I think I’m going to like that thing. Especially when I pay $200 per ton for pellets versus $3.50 to $4.00 per gallon for fuel. They say a ton of pellets equals 115 gallons of oil. I don’t think oil will ever be that cheap again, do you??
Alright, that’s all for now. Thanks for staying with me and please keep those comments and questions coming. It’s very encouraging.