Things are starting to happen

Hey all.  I was just reading some comments.  I have some legitimate readers.  Good to know.  Keep the comments coming.

OK, A lot has been happening since my last post.  Yea, It was a while ago.  First, the show went well.  I sold a couple of small side tables.  Only two people sold anything and I am happy to be one of them.  Kind of validates me to myself, if you know what I mean.  Here is a shot of the blanket chest I made for the show.

I think it came out good.  I am really happy with it.  Unfortunately, it didn’t sell but people seem to like it.

Next bit of news.  After that show, we did the Fine Furniture Festival in Woodstock.  We had a good showing but made no sales.  I’m not surprised at that though.  With the economy what it is lately, people are not spending money.

I have been working for John a lot this year.  We just finished a kitchen made from bamboo.  Now, they call this a green product.  They start with bamboo, which by itself could be considered a green product, and shred it.  They then mix it with copious amounts of epoxy and press it into sheets.  Each sheet is then wrapped individually in plastic and loaded onto a ship and sent halfway around the world.  How is this a green product???  There is more energy and chemicals in this the production process of it than you think.  I do like the look of it though.  It made a nice kitchen.  After we finished the kitchen, I got laid of.  Just in time though because I got an order for two sleigh beds to go to Aspen, Colorado.  (hence, the title of this post)  I also have been getting an increasing number of inquiries.  People are starting to peek out of their holes.  Hopefully this will keep going.

Lastly, I didn’t raise the minimum amount for the MS ride, so I was unable to participate.  Next year I am going to start my fund raising a lot earlier.  Also, the economy should be better so people will be  a bit more generous.

All for now.  I have to get back to the shop to finish up a couple of things so I can get going on the beds.  I’ll keep you posted on them.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, leave your comments and visit my website.

Thanks for reading.